Malika D. Roebuck
Author | Minister | Wife | Public Speaker

Daddy's Girl
Malika D. Roebuck
Daddy's Girl is a self help testimonial book that talks about the pain and insecurities of growing up without a biological father. The book dives deep into the story of the author, Malika Roebuck, a young girl from New York who early in life had to battle against the statistic of being a fatherless African American girl. In this book, the author shines light on this very real issue of fatherlessness, but leaves no stone uncovered on sharing her testimony. She opens up about the wrong turns she's made, the insecurities she's dealt with while giving readers hope that there is deliverance on the other side of pain. Through her obeisance to God's instructions to write her story,"Daddy's Girl" will prayerfully inspire you to heal your past, grow beyond your pain and forgive the ones that have hurt you.